20 Dec You Can Afford Your Loved One’s Bail This Holiday Season
When the holidays roll around, people tend to tighten up their budget in an effort to spare a little extra cash for gifts. We all have people in our lives that we care about and we want to show them that we care. Unfortunately, this time of year usually means that people don’t have a lot of funds set aside for emergencies.
One emergency that no one is ever prepared for is the arrest of a loved one. No one ever expects someone they care about to be arrested, and so they are not ready to bail him or her out of jail. When people discover that a loved one has been arrested, they will often assume that they cannot afford to bail him or her out, even though they could if they contacted Anaheim Bail Bonds.
Here at Anaheim Bail Bonds, we provide our clients with cheap and affordable bail options. With our expert help, our clients can afford to bail out their loved ones, even around the holidays. This is largely due in part to the fact that our bail bonds only cost 10% of the bail that they are for.
While that is a huge discount, we do not stop there. We also provide clients with affordable, personalized payment plans that further break down the cost of the bail bond. With a customized payment plan, your bail bond will be broken up into small, manageable monthly payments that work with your unique budget. This will truly make it possible for you to post bail.
Even if you are on a tight budget when your loved one gets arrested, you can count on being able to afford his or her bail with Anaheim Bail Bonds. We reduce and breakdown the cost of the bail bond so that everyone can afford to bail their loved ones out of jail. You will even be able to afford your loved one’s bail around the holidays.
Aside from making bail affordable, we also offer:
• 20% Discount
• Phone approvals
• 0% Interest payment plans
• No hidden fees – unlike other bail agencies
• No collateral with working signer
• Se habla Espanol