Will the Police Cite me for Not Wearing a Mask When Shopping?

Why are Face Masks Required in California
The hope is that wearing masks will slow the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The idea is that the masks keep the droplets contained to a single person. California lawmakers are urging residents to wear a mask whenever they’re shopping. The problem is that there is conflicting information regarding the effectiveness of face masks. The result of the conflict is that while some people happily don a mask each time they go out, others refuse to wear them. The debate over wearing facemasks has led many people to wonder if the police will issue citations to those who don’t wear a mask while shopping.When are Face Masks Required
According to the State of California, masks should be worn whenever:- You’re in an indoor public area
- You’re obtaining medical services, such as dental appointments and donating blood
- You’re using some form of public transportation, in a taxi, or utilizing a rideshare program
- When you’re in an area that is heavily used by multiple people
- Interacting directly with people
20 July, 2020