Penalties of Stealing and Holding Pets for Ransom

California's Stance on Animal Theft
While you might think of your dog as a child, California’s legal system doesn’t. If your dog is stolen, and the dog is value exceeds $950, it’s considered Grand Theft. According to California Penal Code (PC) § 487e, 487f, 487g, 491, felony grand animal theft involves, “a person who feloniously steals, takes, or carries away a dog of another where the dog’s value exceeds $950.” It goes on to state that, “If a person steals or maliciously takes an animal for purposes of sale, medical research, slaughter, or other commercial use, he or she commits a public offense punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding 1 year or in a state prison.” If the stolen dog isn’t worth at least $950, the individual who stole the animal can be charged with petty theft. A guilty conviction can include a six-month jail sentence and a $1,000 fine.Tips To Help Keep Your Pets Safe
As a pet owner, it’s your responsibility to keep your pets healthy and safe. This includes taking steps to make them less appealing to thieves. Ways of doing this include:- Never leaving them outside unattended.
- Change your walking route each time you take them out.
- Getting them microchipped.
03 May, 2021