Is There a Difference Between These 3 Crimes?

Is There a Difference Between These 3 Crimes?
When it comes to the criminal legal system, there is a lot that the general public may be misinformed on, and it’s understandable. California has thousands of complex laws and ordinances filled with cryptic language known as legalese that contribute to misconceptions. A common misconception is that theft, burglary, and robbery are all the same crime. However, they are not. The law views each one differently. Each crime has specific circumstances tied to it that helps distinguish it from the others.What Is Theft in California?
Theft is defined under California Penal Code (PC) 484 as the wrongful taking of someone else's property. This can be done in a number of ways, such as taking an item, or money, when no one is looking or lying to get someone to hand over an item or money. This crime is broken up into two categories, petty and grand. Which category a person falls into depends on the monetary value of what was stolen. If the monetary value of the stolen goods is under $950, then the thief will be charged with petty theft. If the monetary value is over $950, then the person will face grand theft charges. The consequences for theft are dependent on which version a person has been accused of. For petty theft, a person faces misdemeanor charges that come with:- Up to 6 months in county jail
- A max fine of $1,000
18 May, 2020