California Lemon Laws For Dogs

What are California’s Lemon Dog Laws?
The purpose of California’s lemon dog laws is to protect you from the financial headaches that go hand in hand with inadvertently acquiring a dog that has health problems. The lemon dog law says that you can reasonably expect the dog to be healthy and free of illness and disease for the first fifteen days they live in your home. In order to take advantage of this law, you have to obtain written certification from your veterinarian that the dog developed some type of illness that had previously existed in the dog prior to you acquire it. It could also apply if the seller lied about vaccinating the dog prior to you taking possession of the animal. The second aspect of California’s lemon dog law deals with congenital and hereditary problems. If the dog develops a health problem that makes it impossible for you to use the dog in the way you intended or means taking on veterinary bills you didn’t anticipate, you have the ability to contact the breeder and discuss reimbursement. These health problems have to appear within the first year of the dog’s life. If the dog passes away as a result of congenital or hereditary health problems during the first year of its life, you are also protected by California’s lemon dog laws.The Seller’s Responsibility Under the Lemon Dog Laws
The purpose of California’s lemon dog laws is to encourage breeders to breed responsibly. The hope is that the laws will encourage breeders to get a full genetic workup on their breeding dogs prior to mating them. It also encourages sellers to disclose known health problems in all sales contracts.- If your dog develops health problems that are covered by California’s lemon dog laws, the seller has a few choices.
- They can reimburse your vet bills that are related to the health issue until that amount matches the purchase price of the dog
- They can offer a replacement puppy
28 September, 2020