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Just about every adult out there is currently enjoying the fun of the average five day work week. You can pretty much guarantee that no matter what day of the week it is, all of the employees are waiting for the weekend. This is because...

Many people dismiss littering as no big deal. After all, what does it matter if you throw one disposable cup out of your car window while driving? Well, aside from the fact that no one likes to look at garbage, it is never just one...

As many people are aware, not every law is a good law. There are some very strange and obscure laws out there. Every single state in the country has some weird law that would make a person wonder why it even exists. Here are a...

Car enthusiasts view their vehicle like an extension of themselves or like a best friend, pet, or child. They take great care of the vehicle. They give it a name and customize it to their liking, so that it is not like the rest of...