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As a kid, winter is a lot of fun. Winter brings storms, which in turn bring snow which can lead to extra days off from school, and all the while, the thought of Christmas is hanging in the air. While this is all great as...

In California, cyberbullying is a crime that is defined by a victim being specifically targeted, harassed, annoyed, or intimidated through electronic communications such as text messages or through social media. Cyberbullying is taken seriously, whether it was a joke or not, because the situation can...

You should never feel ashamed to ask for help. It is impossible to know everything, which means you will eventually run into something where you need advice. For many people, this can occur when they find out that someone they know has been arrested. If...

Seeing a video of any sort of crime or attack on the internet is happening more and more frequently. Most of the times, the video was taken without the wrongdoer’s knowing. The video will gain popularity if it depicts the wrongdoer messing up in some...