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While a landlord has the right to evict a tenant from a rental problem if that person is doing a great deal of property damage or has stopped paying their rent, California does expect that landlord to obey the letter of the law. Failing to...

It is that time of year where people begin to form a list of promises they want to make to themselves. New Year’s Resolutions are positive and uplifting to some, while they are a joke to others. According Nielsen and Newswire, the top ten New...

As Christmas approaches, more and more people turn to online shopping to buy gifts for their friends and family members. This leads to an increase in packages being delivered to their houses, which can be problematic. Thieves love it when they see a package sitting...

While we do it every day without a second thought, driving can actually be quite dangerous. One small surprise is all it takes to cause an accident with disastrous results. That is why there are so many laws that relate to driving to try to...

Many people know what vandalism is. We hear about it, and see it, all of the time. Vandalism is taken very seriously in California. Getting caught vandalizing someone’s property can land a person in jail with hefty fines. While many people think they know what constitutes as...

Instead of treating the gang to a final round of shots at last call, treat them to a pitcher of water and some fast food. This will jumpstart the mind and body to sober up so you can all get home safe and sound. It...

In California, driving under the influence is not the only illegal alcohol and vehicle act, but it is the most known. It carries the most serious penalties. It is also very much worth knowing other alcohol and driving related laws, especially the “open container” laws...