low income bail bonds in orange county Tag

Don’t underestimate the importance of a good bail consultation. The consultation allows you and us to get to know one another and decide if we’re a good fit for your needs. Several things take place during a free bail bonds consultation. We Collect Your Information It doesn’t matter...

Since May, various people have expressed concern that the power grid won’t be able to provide enough electricity to meet everyone’s needs. According to a May 6, 2022 article that was posted by CBS Sacramento, the California Independent System Operator (Cal ISO) was already seriously...

We’ve all heard stories about people who are charged with attempted crimes such as attempted murder, attempted assault, or attempted burglary. While we’re familiar with the concept of attempted crimes, few of us fully understand how it’s possible to be charged and even convicted, of a crime that didn’t actually happen. The issue of attempted crimes in California is discussed in Penal Code 664 PC. The law defines attempted crimes as any instance when a person makes a concentrated effort to pull off an actual crime and break the law. The fact that the intent was real, even if the person failed to completely follow through in their attempt to break the law. The law specifically states that “every person who attempts to commit any crime, but fails, or is prevented or intercepted in its perpetration, shall be punished where no provision is made by law for the punishment of those attempts.” There are several examples of attempted crimes. These examples include:
  • A victim escaping and fleeing from a sexual assault scenario
  • Breaking into a house, but being stopped before anything is actually stolen
  • A gun backfiring during what would have been a murder

Every state has a few strange laws that cause people to scratch their heads. California is not an exception. There are three very strange driving laws that could impact you no matter where you are in California. The first odd California driving law is that you...

Bail money isn’t something anyone sets aside, and you never set it aside with the idea of using it to bail a loved one out of jail. As much as you might want to help out a recently arrested loved one, if you can’t afford...