low income bail bonds in fullerton Tag

California lawmakers aren’t thrilled about fireworks and have created laws to restrict their use. The reason such tight fireworks laws exist in California stems from a few underlying concerns that include:
  • Worry about wildfires
  • Safety concerns
  • Trying to keep noises down out of respect to those who can’t handle flashing lights and a great deal of noise.
  • Concern about potential property damage

Mislabeling food in California is a law that usually only impacts people who own or operate things like coffee shops, delis, grocery stores, and restaurants. It doesn’t matter how badly the food was mislabeled, if evidence of mislabeling exists, the people involved will be arrested...

Humans are funny. Whenever we’re given an order, we have an almost overwhelming compulsion to rebel against it. While rebellion is okay in certain situations, when that order comes directly from a police officer, it’s in your best interest to ignore your instincts. The vast majority...

It doesn’t matter if it’s a phone call asking that you schedule an appointment or if officers knock on your door. Learning that the police want to talk to you is enough to strike terror into your heart, even if you haven’t done anything wrong. When...