fullerton bail bonds Tag

It's well known that you aren't legally allowed to record a conversation with another person without first getting their consent. That's why so many businesses have an automated message that comes on as soon as you call that informs you know that the call may...

You aren't allowed to own and operate any old junker on California's public roads. The state fully expects you to keep your car in good repair and to make sure it's not releasing any more air pollution than necessary. California can enforce this code by...

Living in California means you could experience an earthquake. They're far more common than people realize. While most earthquakes are so small they're hardly noticeable, there is always a chance that a large earthquake could occur. The problem with a large earthquake is that not only...

Going to jail isn't any fun. It's something everyone tries to avoid, which is why so many people hope that the judge handling their case will agree to house arrest rather than a jail sentence. Not everyone is eligible for house arrest in California, especially if...

Earbuds are awesome. They provide you with a way to tune out all the noise connected to the world and lose yourself in music, white noise, audiobooks, and podcasts. The earbuds fit snugly into your ear so that you don’t have to worry about anyone...

GoFund Me has been a wonderful tool. It’s allowed people, non-profit organizations, and more to quickly raise money for important causes and emergencies. While many great things can be said about GoFund Me, as always, there’s also a dark side. Shortly after GoFund Me started...

When you read through California Penal Code Section 602 you’ll learn that it’s illegal to come onto someone’s property without the owner’s permission. While this doesn’t mean you’ll face criminal charges each time you have to use someone’s driveway to turn around or when you...