fast release bail bonds in buena park Tag

You just learned that one of your favorite people has been arrested and needs bail. You want to help them out, but you’re not sure what you can do. The first thing you should do is try to contact them. This isn’t always easy since they...

On January 1, 2023, the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) becomes fully effective. This could change things for some California businesses.  The CPRA was originally passed by popular vote in 2021. More than 56% of the voters who took part in the November election were in...

The longer, warmer days inspire all of us to spend more time outdoors. The problem is that the California summer heat quickly climbs. The hotter it gets, the greater the risk of heatstroke. The problem many people discover is that while there are warning signs...

Finally! It’s graduation season. For many students and parents, this is a day they’ve been waiting for their entire lives. They’re finally putting high school behind themselves once and for all and allowing themselves to focus on the future. If you’re a graduating senior or someone...

Just because you’re legally allowed to own a firearm in California, it doesn’t mean you have an instant right to do whatever you want with it. For example, while you’re allowed to own a firearm and even carry it with you if that same firearm is loaded, you could find yourself in serious legal trouble. The topic of carrying a loaded firearm in California is covered in Penal Code 25850 PC. When you read through the law, you’ll find that even though you have an ownership license for the firearm, if that firearm is loaded, you’re not allowed to have it:
  • While on a public street
  • While in a public place
  • While cruising the streets in your car

A type of robbery that has been dubbed smash n grab has started to plaque the United States, but it has become especially common in California. In November 2021 witnesses became alarmed when they noticed a large group of about 40 to 50 people swarm...

zero-down-bail-bonds-in-buena-park Emotional support dogs were never intended to take the place of service animals. When the idea of emotional support dogs (and other pets) was first introduced, it was to provide people who suffered from anxiety and loneliness with a companion at home. The term was first coined to help people who needed a pet to improve their quality of life to work around housing restrictions. Emotional support pets started out as a really good idea. The problem is that people have taken it too far. Rather than simply using them at home, they have started bringing them to stores, doctor’s appointments, and on airplanes. If anyone questions whether they can bring the dog into the facility, the person simply states that the animal is a service animal and allowed to go anywhere. Things are changing in California. The law went into effect at the start of January 2022. It’s designed to create a bigger distinction between service animals and emotional support animals. Not only will it impact pet owners who are trying to pass their emotional support pet off as a service animal, but it also takes a swipe at the business that fraudulently sells ESA-related certifications and merchandise. One of the good things about the law is that it provides a specific definition of what an emotional support animal is. As of 2022, in California, an emotional support pet is:
    “a dog or animal that is not trained to do any specific action related to one’s disability. Instead, the owner derives therapeutic benefits simply through the animal’s companionship. An individual emanates calmness, safety, and an improved sense of well-being through the animal’s presence.”