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Unless you have the card owner’s permission, it’s illegal to use a credit or debit card that doesn’t belong to you. It doesn’t matter if you found the card lying in the middle of a parking lot, have the card that belongs to someone who...

Most of us know that the police can’t simply walk into our homes and start searching it unless you’ve given them permission to do so, or if they’ve gone through the correct legal channels and acquired a warrant. The same is true when it comes to...

California lawmakers believe that the common citizen should be as protected from the police as possible. The creation of search and seizure laws is one of the steps lawmakers have taken to make sure that your Fourth Amendment rights are protected. Not only are the...

Wildfires have become a serious concern for anyone who lives in California. While lawmakers explore ways to help prevent wildfires, anyone who lives in or visits California is urged to take steps to prevent leaving a wildfire in their wake. Don’t Set Off Fireworks Yes, fireworks are...

When you start researching California’s different laws, you’ll realize that many of them are quite similar. As you notice the similarities, you’ll also realize that there are several instances when it appears that a person could conceivably be charged multiple times for the same crime....