easy bond approval in anaheim Tag

The days when a person had to physically meet with a bail bond representative to secure a bail bond are gone. Thanks to technology, you can apply for and be approved for Anaheim Bail Bonds without ever meeting a member of our team face to...

As soon as you've been arrested, you want to be released. The problem is that you can't be released for many crimes until your bail has been set. Once you know how much bail is required to get you out of jail, you and your...

No one wants to sit in a jail cell longer than necessary. The longer you're locked up, the larger the financial, emotional, and even mental toll the experience takes on you. The good news is that there are some things you can do that will...

Many people assume that bail is automatically granted after an arrest. These same people believe that while bail may be higher for some than for others, everyone will receive the option to be released from jail. That simply isn't the case. The truth is that while...

What happens in the immediate hours following an arrest is what is called the booking process. This is when your official arrest record is updated. The booking process sounds like a quick 10-minute procedure, but it can really take quite a while depending on the...

One of the first things you must consider when dealing with an employer and an arrest issue is that California is an at-will-employment state. This means employers have the right to terminate an employee's employment status for any reason, including getting arrested. The state's at-will...

One of the things many people wonder after their arraignment is if they are required to make bail. The short and sweet answer is no. While most people opt to not make bail for financial reasons, there are some compelling reasons some people choose to remain...

Here at Anaheim Bail Bonds, it’s our belief that no one should have to sit in a jail cell for a moment longer than necessary. We understand that each minute you’re in a cell, the bleaker your situation feels. We want you to be as...

Most people don’t think about how difficult it is to prepare a solid defense while you’re sitting in a jail cell. There’s very little privacy. You have to hope that your lawyer is willing and able to arrange their schedule so that they can routinely...

Driving while drunk isn’t just frowned upon in California, it’s illegal. While you’re allowed to go out and have a good time, if that good time involves drinking alcohol, you need to pay careful attention to how much you consume. As soon as your blood alcohol level reaches 0.08%, you’re no longer legally allowed to drive.

What Happens if You Get Caught Drunk Driving in California?

Don’t assume that just because you’ve never had a drunk driving offense you have nothing to worry about the first time you’re charged with drunk driving in California. Even though it’s your first offense, it’s still going to have a massive impact on your immediate future. First the fines. California law is written in such a way that in addition to being required to pay anywhere from $390-$1,000 in fines, you can also pay something that’s called penalty assessments. Once you’re convicted of first-time drunk driving the judge has the option of sentencing you to jail time. This is in addition to the fines. While there’s no mandatory jail time for a first-time drunk driving conviction, the judge could decide that you need to spend 48 hours to 6 months in jail. Plan on losing your driving privileges. As soon as you’ve been officially convicted of your first DUI, your license will be suspended for six months. If you refused to submit to a bloc alcohol concentration test, an administrative license suspension could also be enforced which would mean losing your license for a full year.

What Happens if Someone is Injured Because you Were Driving Drunk in California

There’s no way of getting around the fact that if you injure someone while you’re driving drunk, you’ll face far more serious consequences for your actions than if you’re simply pulled over. How severe those additional consequences depends on several different factors including: