dui bail bonds Tag

easy-bond-approval-in-garden-grove Eavesdropping is something we’ve all done at some point in our lives. Normally, it involves staying quiet and remaining shrouded in mystery while we listen to someone discuss either ourselves or someone we know. In most cases, eavesdropping is fairly harmless, however, there are some circumstances where your eavesdropping could result in you facing criminal charges. The challenge with eavesdropping in California is that the state is a “two-party consent” state. That means that California lawmakers feel that when it comes to having confidential communications in a space where the people involved in the conversation have a reasonable expectation of privacy, eavesdropping is prohibited, particularly if the eavesdropper hopes to gain something from the information they learn while spying on the conversation. The topic of eavesdropping in California is dealt with in California Penal Code 632 PC. It’s important to note that while this law does discuss eavesdropping, it does clarify that in legal cases, the eavesdropper had to have done more than simply overhear a private conversation. They must have made a concentrated effort to eavesdrop. Examples of this would be using a recording device or amplifier to catch all elements of the conversation. The California law specifically states that,
    “a person who, intentionally and without the consent of all parties to a confidential communication, uses an electronic amplifying or recording device to eavesdrop upon or record the confidential communication, whether the communication is carried on among the parties in the presence of one another or by means of a telegraph, telephone, or other device, except a radio, shall be punished.”

California has a reputation as being a great place for pedestrians. The weather makes it possible for pedestrians to walk year-round and the state has done a wonderful job of creating places where pedestrians can stroll without encountering traffic. While pedestrians are invited to enjoy...

We hear a great deal about the dangers of drinking and driving. We understand that a single DUI can have a horrible, long-term impact on our lives. As a result, many of us take steps to avoid even the possibility of getting behind the wheel...

Posting pics on social media has become synonymous with traveling and vacationing. We love to show our friends and family the cool places we’re visiting, the delicious food we’re eating, and overall, all the fun we’re having while they are stuck at work. You may...

understanding-your-rights-following-your-arrest Getting arrested in California is terrifying. Many people are so overwhelmed and confused that they don’t fully understand what their rights are. That’s why the police recite the Miranda Rights when they make an arrest. The Miranda Rights clearly lay out all the things you can choose not to do once you’ve been arrested. One of the first things you’ll hear is that you don’t have to tell the police anything. You should adhere to this right and stay silent during the ride to the jail. That doesn’t mean you should become difficult and obnoxious as soon as you’re arrested. It’s in your best interest to remain on your best behavior so you don’t do anything that could trigger additional charges. When you’re booked, you should answer the questions the booking officer asks that pertain to your identity. These questions will include your full name, your age, and your address. Before you’re put in a cell, you should know exactly why you were arrested and what charges have been filed against you. Whether you’ve been formally charged or simply brought in for questioning, you have the right to an attorney. This is a good right to take advantage of. The attorney will help you understand what’s happening, be able to answer questions, and help you navigate the interrogations in a way that doesn’t result in your accidentally incriminating yourself. If bail has been granted, you have the right to contact Fullerton Bail Bonds. We have several decades' worth of experience and are prepared to post the bail bond you need so that you can leave the jail and return to your home. Reasons to contact Fullerton Bail Bonds include:
  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • Free online and phone consultations
  • Discount to pre-approved clients
  • Phone/online approvals
  • 0% Interest flexible payment plans
  • An easy to understand contract
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral required for working signers
payment-plans-bail-bonds Finding out a loved one is arrested isn’t always an easy process. The good news is that the California penal system has tried to simplify the process as much as possible. The only problem is that they haven’t really promoted the program which means many people have no idea how to find a loved one in jail. The first thing you have to know is if you’re looking for someone who is residing in a state prison or if your loved one is in a county jail. If the arrest has only just happened, the answer is that they are in jail so you won’t have to worry about the prison search. The only time you’ll need to use the search a state prison search is if you’re conducting a background check or if you’re trying to find a loved one who was recently sentenced to prison. If you’re looking for someone who was only just arrested, the process is a bit more complicated. The best way to handle the situation is to contact the sheriff’s department in the county you believe the person was in at the time of their arrest. In most cases, the person is arrested in their home county. If that sheriff’s department can’t help you out, they should be able to provide you with the number of jails in the surrounding county. Once you’ve figured out which jail your loved one is in, ask the officer you’re speaking with about how you can contact your loved one. Speaking to your loved one is the easiest way to learn if they need your help posting bail. If you’ve found your loved one in jail and want to help out with bail, either by co-signing for them or by simply providing them with information, we suggest you contact Anaheim Bail Bond Agency. We’re open 24/7 and always have a bail bonds expert standing by who can answer your questions and provide you with information about our process. We promise that the consultation is always free and we’ll never pressure you into making a split-second decision. Additional reasons to contact Anaheim Bail Bonds when you want to help a loved one who is in jail include:

You may not be familiar with the term “porch pirates” but it’s a pretty good bet that either you or someone you are close to has been a victim of one. A porch pirate is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a term that refers...

do-i-have-to-report-a-california-traffic-accident Most of us have a weird, knee-jerk reaction to traffic accidents. We like to pretend we don’t know about them and try to put as much distance between ourselves and the traffic accident as we possibly can. This is our reaction whether we’re involved in the accident or if we’ve simply witnessed one. When a traffic accident occurs, many of us wonder if we actually have to report it to the police. If you’re driving any of the vehicles involved in a car accident, you are legally required to report the accident to the police. Technically, you have 24 hours to complete a written report about the incident. All things considered, it’s in your best interest to report the accident as soon as it happens. There are several reasons for this:
  • The responding officer will handle writing the written report for you
  • Filing the insurance claim will be easier
  • The events leading up to the cause of the accident is fresh in everyone’s mins
  • You won’t have to worry about being labeled a hit and run driver