daggett ca bail bonds Tag

Any parent will tell you that taking care of a child is not an easy undertaking. They need constant supervision, or else they can get into some serious trouble. A recent study found that 1 in every 5 scald burns are caused by ramen and...

California lawmakers have recently passed a bill that if signed by Governor Jerry Brown, would allow certain cities to extend how late alcohol could be served. The bill in question is Senate Bill (SB) 905. The bill was passed at the end of August and...

Reckless driving comes in many forms. Most people think of speeding and swerving through traffic, and they are not wrong. However, there are other dangerous forms of reckless driving, some of which are on the rise in Southern California. The culprits of these crimes may...

As summer comes to a close, kids are bracing for their inevitable return to school. Their days of sleeping in and relaxing will be over. In their place will be stress-filled, drowsy mornings that lead to long lectures. In the chaos of getting ready in...

While the rest of the country may be debating what to do about cannabis, Californians have already decided. California recently legalized marijuana for recreational use. We followed several other states like Oregon, Washington, and Colorado. While we weren’t the first ones to legalize weed recreationally,...

It’s a situation no one ever wants to be in, but it’s one that you may face in your lifetime.   Picture this: You’ve just been arrested, you’ve been booked and given a bail amount, and you’ve called someone for assistance. Now, you sit and wait...