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Traditionally, whenever a law/Proposition is proposed that involves crime, it’s a move to actually create stricter laws/penalties. This is especially true when it comes to violent crimes and repeat offenders. In many cases, when you research the reasoning behind the proposal, you’ll discover that crime rates have been steadily increasing and the voting population is starting to feel insecure and has been applying pressure to the officials they voted into office. Proposition 57 breaks the mold. Proposition 57 is a result of people looking at the current state of California’s criminal justice system and questioning if using longer forms of incarceration is really the best way to encourage a person to change their ways. Many California residents have also started wondering if maybe there isn’t a better way to spend the millions of tax dollars that are currently used to house/feed/clothe criminals. Many wonders if spending that money on rehabilitation/education programs might not be a better solution. While many lawmakers were skeptical about the future of Proposition 57, after all, who ever heard of the voting public liking laws that were viewed as being soft on crime, in November 2016, California voters passed the proposition. The interesting thing about Proposition 57 is that it placed the issue of rehabilitation squarely in the hands of convicted criminals. What the proposition did was created an incentive program for inmates that allowed them to be responsible for their own rehabilitation while also increasing the odds of them being granted parole. Proposition 57 created a credit program. Inmates who were well-behaved and who also took part in an in-prison rehabilitation/education program received a credit. The different credits created by Proposition 57 include:
  • Good Conduct Credits
  • Educational Merit Credits
  • Milestone Completion Credits
  • Rehabilitative Achievement Credits

Many people don’t realize that bench warrants and arrest warrants are two different things. While both have the same end result, you get arrested, they’re handled in two very different ways. What is an Arrest Warrant Before an arrest warrant can be issued, a...

chat-room-crimes-in-california Chat room crimes are a term that typically refers to specific cases that ultimately deal with the solicitation of a minor. The term first became popular after it was used by the television show, To Catch a Predator. Chat room crimes typically involve an older person, usually, a male, who uses things like chat rooms and instant messaging to connect with and ultimately lure a minor. In many cases, the minor thinks that they are chatting with someone who is of a similar age to themselves. Chat room crimes are typically covered by solicitation of a minor laws, which are outlined in California Penal Code (PC) 288.2. The code states that:
    “Every person who knows, should have known, or believes that another person is a minor, and who knowingly distributes, sends, causes to be sent, exhibits, or offers to distribute or exhibit by any means, including by physical delivery, telephone, electronic communication, or in person, any harmful matter that depicts a minor or minors engaging in sexual conduct, to the other person with the intent of arousing, appealing to, or gratifying the lust or passions or sexual desires of that person or the minor, and with the intent or for the purposes of engaging in sexual intercourse, sodomy, or oral copulation with the other person, or with the intent that either person touches an intimate body part of the other, is guilty.”
If you call California home, there are a few laws you should familiarize yourself with to avoid finding yourself on the wrong side of the law.

DUI Threshold Laws

Everyone knows that getting arrested for DUI is a serious, life-altering problem. The problem is that few people know what when they have crossed over the threshold from legally able to drive and become too drunk to drive. It doesn’t matter if you are the kind of person who gets buzzed after a few sips or someone who really can hold their liquor. If you’re pulled over and your blood alcohol level is 0.08% or higher, you will be charged with a DUI.

Data Privacy Laws in California

One of the great things about calling California home is knowing that you have a legal right to know exactly what type of data businesses collect about you and what they’re using it for. The California Consumer Privacy Act went into effect on January 1, 2020. The California Consumer Privacy Act is written in such a way that you:
  • Can delete personal data a business has collected
  • Block the sale of personal data
  • Have the ability to learn exactly what data is collected/sold/shared/etc.

Getting arrested and charged for DUI once in California is terrifying and life-altering. The second time you’re arrested for the same thing is even worse. Like many states, California lawmakers have decided that to take a hard stance on drunk drivers. One of the ways they’ve...

It’s a story that broke the hearts of animal lovers all over Los Angeles. Local newspapers have been covering the story about a kitten who was thrown out in the trash. The fact that the kitten was considered a piece of trash is bad enough,...

When you’re on probation, the courts will let you know what requirements you have to meet, but no one is going to hold your hand and remind you of those requirements every single day. It’s up to you to remember what you are and aren’t...

legal-consequences-of-rioting These days, it seems like every time you turn on the news, you encounter a story about a riot. Major cities throughout the United States are dealing with the fallout from riots. While everyone knows that riots are frightening and illegal, few of us understand what the legal ramifications are of getting caught in the middle of a riot. If you’re upset about something, you have the right to start and/or participate in a protest. The catch is that for the protest to remain legal it has to be peaceful. You aren’t allowed to do anything that could be perceived as violent nor are you allowed to encourage others to participate in committing violence. The moment you do either of those things, you’re violating the law. If you incite a riot in California you’re breaking California Penal Code 404.6 PC. You’ll violate this law whenever you:
  • Are actively engaged in a riot
  • Engage in acts of violence or force during a riot
  • Commit an act that results in property damage or results in burned property
should-you-bail-your-buddy-out-of-jail You love your best buddy and have no hesitation about going out of your way to help them whenever they ask, but getting asked to post bail is different from agreeing to help them move. When your best friend calls and asks you to help cover their bail, there are a few things you need to consider before you agree.

Can You Afford it?

When you post cash bail for your buddy, you’ll get all of the money back… eventually. The refund doesn’t happen until your buddy’s case has been resolved. How long it takes to resolve the case depends on if your buddy plans on fighting the charges or pleading guilty right away. If your buddy is determined to prove their innocence and the case goes before a jury, a full year could easily pass before the court returns your money. Going through a bail bonds company like Bail Bonds in Garden Grove is easier on your budget. We only charge 10% of your buddy’s bail. The catch is that we don’t refund the 10%. Whether you post cash bail or secure a bail bond, you and your buddy need to discuss if they intend to repay you and how long it will take. As much as you love your buddy, you should never put yourself in a position where helping with their bail makes it impossible for you to pay for your housing or buy groceries. You weren’t the one who got in trouble so you shouldn’t have to put yourself in financial peril.

Do you Trust Your Buddy?

Bail isn’t given freely. It’s a privilege that comes with terms and conditions. The only way the bail system works is if your buddy agrees to uphold the conditions of their bail, which includes attending all of their court appearances. If they fail to do that you will either lose the cash bail or anything you used as collateral when you secured a bail bond.

Only Work with a Reputable Bail Bond Company

If you decide to help secure a bail bond for your buddy, you want to work with a company that understands the bail process, has a solid business reputation and is willing to work with you. That’s exactly what you’ll get when you turn to Bail Bonds in Garden Grove for help. We’re a family-owned bail bonds business with decades of experience. Our services include:
  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • Free consultations
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral required for working signers
  • Habla Espanol
which-bail-bonds-business-should-you-choose If you need a bail bond, you want to quell your first instinct of going with the first company you contact. It’s possible that you’ll connect with a truly outstanding family-owned bail bonds business that offers everything from zero interest bail to a reasonable payment plan. It’s also possible you’ll get scammed by a company that doesn’t have your best interests at heart or who doesn’t fully understand the bail bonds process. When you’re choosing a reputable bail bonds company, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

The Company Should be Treasure Trove of Information

No bail bonds company should expect you to know everything. They should have a phone or online system that allows you to connect with a representative who not only answers all of your questions but also explains how the process works and explains the different payment services they provide. The person you speak to should be patient, kind, and not try to force you to sign a contract until you’re convinced you’re making the right decision. No reputable bail bonds agency will ever tell you that you have to act quickly. This isn’t use it or lose it business deal. You are free to take your time and consider all your options.

Good Bails Bonds Companies are Discrete

You’ve been arrested. You need help coming up with bail money. You don’t need this information spread all over the state. Good bail bonds businesses, the kind you want to work with, always promise discretion.

They Have Been Positively Reviewed

You should hold the bail bonds company you’re considering to the same standards you would any other type of business. Make sure they’re properly bonded and licensed. Check out reviews and customer testimonials. There’s nothing wrong with taking a little time to dig into the business’s background. If you find something that concerns you, ask the bail bonds expert about the problem during the consultation.

Customer Service is Important

Somehow, bail bonds companies have gotten a reputation for being operated by rude people who are only interested in making money. That’s not the case at all. Customer service is just as important to a bail bonds business as it is to any other business. If you contact a bail bonds business and you get the impression that they’re not really that interested in you or if you’re treated badly, hang up the phone and call another bail bonds agency.

Do you need bail?

Contact Bail Bonds in Garden Grove. We’re a family-owned bail bonds business that has been serving the area for several decades. Our top-rated services include:
  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Online payments
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • Phone approvals
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral for working signers
  • Free consultations with a bail bonds expert
can-employers-force-you-to-submit-to-a-covid-19-test If you’re confused about what your employer can and can’t require of you during this pandemic, you’re not alone. Every other day it seems like some new rules and requirements and expectations seem to intrude on our rights. In many cases, getting a straight answer feels impossible. Finding out if you have to submit for a Covid-19 test each time you go to work is a perfect example of how many people don’t know what they can and can’t fight. Some lawyers freely admit that they’re not sure how legal this topic is. For a long time, it was common knowledge that employers couldn’t legally require employees to undergo any medical examination that didn’t directly impact their work. COVID-19 has changed things. Based on what the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has stated, it’s likely that you do have to adhere to your employer’s wishes and be screened for COVID-19. The catch is that when your employer requires that you get the test, they have to do so in a way that stays in line with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Your employer isn’t allowed to simply declare that you take a COVID-19 test. There are some strict rules that they have to follow. These rules include:
  • Adhering to both federal and California confidentiality laws
  • Stick to reliable tests
  • Understand the possibility of false/positive and false/negative tests and have a plan of action in place