Is it Legal to Drive with Earbuds in California?

Why Can’t You Wear Earbuds While Driving in California?
You might not think that your earbuds impact your ability to safely drive but California lawmakers disagree. There are a few reasons why they have made it illegal to wear earbuds while driving, including:- Earbuds, particularly noise-canceling earbuds make it important to hear sounds, such as train whistles, sirens, and honking, that are happening outside your car. Failing to hear the sounds increases the likelihood of you getting into an accident.
- Listening to things via earbuds can pull your attention away from things that are taking place on the road in front of you, such as a child running across the street or a school bus turning on their flashers.
- Earbuds encourage you to answer your phone while driving, something that drastically increases the risk of you getting into an accident.
16 October, 2020