bail bonds in garden grove Tag

When you’re on probation, the courts will let you know what requirements you have to meet, but no one is going to hold your hand and remind you of those requirements every single day. It’s up to you to remember what you are and aren’t...

legal-consequences-of-rioting These days, it seems like every time you turn on the news, you encounter a story about a riot. Major cities throughout the United States are dealing with the fallout from riots. While everyone knows that riots are frightening and illegal, few of us understand what the legal ramifications are of getting caught in the middle of a riot. If you’re upset about something, you have the right to start and/or participate in a protest. The catch is that for the protest to remain legal it has to be peaceful. You aren’t allowed to do anything that could be perceived as violent nor are you allowed to encourage others to participate in committing violence. The moment you do either of those things, you’re violating the law. If you incite a riot in California you’re breaking California Penal Code 404.6 PC. You’ll violate this law whenever you:
  • Are actively engaged in a riot
  • Engage in acts of violence or force during a riot
  • Commit an act that results in property damage or results in burned property
should-you-bail-your-buddy-out-of-jail You love your best buddy and have no hesitation about going out of your way to help them whenever they ask, but getting asked to post bail is different from agreeing to help them move. When your best friend calls and asks you to help cover their bail, there are a few things you need to consider before you agree.

Can You Afford it?

When you post cash bail for your buddy, you’ll get all of the money back… eventually. The refund doesn’t happen until your buddy’s case has been resolved. How long it takes to resolve the case depends on if your buddy plans on fighting the charges or pleading guilty right away. If your buddy is determined to prove their innocence and the case goes before a jury, a full year could easily pass before the court returns your money. Going through a bail bonds company like Bail Bonds in Garden Grove is easier on your budget. We only charge 10% of your buddy’s bail. The catch is that we don’t refund the 10%. Whether you post cash bail or secure a bail bond, you and your buddy need to discuss if they intend to repay you and how long it will take. As much as you love your buddy, you should never put yourself in a position where helping with their bail makes it impossible for you to pay for your housing or buy groceries. You weren’t the one who got in trouble so you shouldn’t have to put yourself in financial peril.

Do you Trust Your Buddy?

Bail isn’t given freely. It’s a privilege that comes with terms and conditions. The only way the bail system works is if your buddy agrees to uphold the conditions of their bail, which includes attending all of their court appearances. If they fail to do that you will either lose the cash bail or anything you used as collateral when you secured a bail bond.

Only Work with a Reputable Bail Bond Company

If you decide to help secure a bail bond for your buddy, you want to work with a company that understands the bail process, has a solid business reputation and is willing to work with you. That’s exactly what you’ll get when you turn to Bail Bonds in Garden Grove for help. We’re a family-owned bail bonds business with decades of experience. Our services include:
  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • Free consultations
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral required for working signers
  • Habla Espanol
which-bail-bonds-business-should-you-choose If you need a bail bond, you want to quell your first instinct of going with the first company you contact. It’s possible that you’ll connect with a truly outstanding family-owned bail bonds business that offers everything from zero interest bail to a reasonable payment plan. It’s also possible you’ll get scammed by a company that doesn’t have your best interests at heart or who doesn’t fully understand the bail bonds process. When you’re choosing a reputable bail bonds company, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

The Company Should be Treasure Trove of Information

No bail bonds company should expect you to know everything. They should have a phone or online system that allows you to connect with a representative who not only answers all of your questions but also explains how the process works and explains the different payment services they provide. The person you speak to should be patient, kind, and not try to force you to sign a contract until you’re convinced you’re making the right decision. No reputable bail bonds agency will ever tell you that you have to act quickly. This isn’t use it or lose it business deal. You are free to take your time and consider all your options.

Good Bails Bonds Companies are Discrete

You’ve been arrested. You need help coming up with bail money. You don’t need this information spread all over the state. Good bail bonds businesses, the kind you want to work with, always promise discretion.

They Have Been Positively Reviewed

You should hold the bail bonds company you’re considering to the same standards you would any other type of business. Make sure they’re properly bonded and licensed. Check out reviews and customer testimonials. There’s nothing wrong with taking a little time to dig into the business’s background. If you find something that concerns you, ask the bail bonds expert about the problem during the consultation.

Customer Service is Important

Somehow, bail bonds companies have gotten a reputation for being operated by rude people who are only interested in making money. That’s not the case at all. Customer service is just as important to a bail bonds business as it is to any other business. If you contact a bail bonds business and you get the impression that they’re not really that interested in you or if you’re treated badly, hang up the phone and call another bail bonds agency.

Do you need bail?

Contact Bail Bonds in Garden Grove. We’re a family-owned bail bonds business that has been serving the area for several decades. Our top-rated services include:
  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Online payments
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • Phone approvals
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral for working signers
  • Free consultations with a bail bonds expert
can-employers-force-you-to-submit-to-a-covid-19-test If you’re confused about what your employer can and can’t require of you during this pandemic, you’re not alone. Every other day it seems like some new rules and requirements and expectations seem to intrude on our rights. In many cases, getting a straight answer feels impossible. Finding out if you have to submit for a Covid-19 test each time you go to work is a perfect example of how many people don’t know what they can and can’t fight. Some lawyers freely admit that they’re not sure how legal this topic is. For a long time, it was common knowledge that employers couldn’t legally require employees to undergo any medical examination that didn’t directly impact their work. COVID-19 has changed things. Based on what the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has stated, it’s likely that you do have to adhere to your employer’s wishes and be screened for COVID-19. The catch is that when your employer requires that you get the test, they have to do so in a way that stays in line with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Your employer isn’t allowed to simply declare that you take a COVID-19 test. There are some strict rules that they have to follow. These rules include:
  • Adhering to both federal and California confidentiality laws
  • Stick to reliable tests
  • Understand the possibility of false/positive and false/negative tests and have a plan of action in place
what-is-housing-discrimination It is incredibly difficult to find affordable housing in California. The average price of a home in California is $600,000 which is double the national average. There are several reasons for the housing crisis, including:
  • The number of homes/apartment buildings that have been destroyed by wildfires in recent years
  • High construction costs
  • A discrepancy between the average wage and the average cost of a home
  • Not enough construction companies/workers
  • Lack of housing subsidies
unwritten-camping-rules-to-remember. Camping is wonderful. Camping provides you with the means to connect to the earth and nature while also bonding with family and friends. The best thing about camping is all the great memories you collect during each camping trip. The next time you’re about to hit the woods for an epic camping trip, keep these unwritten camping rules in mind.

Leave Your Site Better than you Found It

It doesn’t matter if you’re a slob at home when you’re camping, you need to turn into a neat freak. Commit yourself to keeping each place you pitch your camp cleaner than when you found it. Not only does this ensure that the next set of campers who come along will also have a nice place to set up camp, but it also proves that you are environmentally aware. Keeping the campsites cleaner than how you found it includes cleaning up after your pets.

Don’t Leave the Fire Burning

California has had more than its fair share of fires. The last thing you want is to be the cause of the next wildfire. Making sure you douse the fire whenever you’re not sitting in front of is important. It’s a good idea to throw some water over the fire pit so that there’s no risk of a stray spark setting off a big blaze. When you’re camping, take a little while to study your campsite. If the area is full of dry leaves, underbrush, and grass, hold off on starting a fire. If a spark jumps out of your fire pit and sets some of the dry matter on fire, the entire campsite will go up in flames before you have time to spring into action.

The Camp Bathroom isn’t your Kitchen

A surprising number of people who use campgrounds treat the campground’s bathroom like it’s their kitchen. They actually use the sink to wash their dishes. If you’ve never done this, great! If you have, make sure you don’t do it again. Not only is the practice a health hazard, but it can also play havoc on the campgrounds plumbing system and it’s rude to other guests.

Be Respectful While Camping

You’re on a great camping experience and want to have a good time, but that doesn’t mean you should leave your good manners at home. If you’re using a campground, you need to be respectful. That includes things like:
  • Not walking across someone else's campsite
  • Staying calm and quiet during the night
  • Using low lights
  • Keeping your pets and your kids under control

All parents know that infants should be contained in a car seat, however not all parents know what California’s laws are regarding car seats. Infants and Car Seats Any child that is two or under must be confined to a rear-facing car seat while they are in...

will-the-police-cite-me-for-not-wearing-a-mask-when-shopping Covid-19 has brought about many changes. One of the newest additions to our lives is the wearing of face masks while in public.

Why are Face Masks Required in California

The hope is that wearing masks will slow the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The idea is that the masks keep the droplets contained to a single person. California lawmakers are urging residents to wear a mask whenever they’re shopping. The problem is that there is conflicting information regarding the effectiveness of face masks. The result of the conflict is that while some people happily don a mask each time they go out, others refuse to wear them. The debate over wearing facemasks has led many people to wonder if the police will issue citations to those who don’t wear a mask while shopping.

When are Face Masks Required

According to the State of California, masks should be worn whenever:
  • You’re in an indoor public area
  • You’re obtaining medical services, such as dental appointments and donating blood
  • You’re using some form of public transportation, in a taxi, or utilizing a rideshare program
  • When you’re in an area that is heavily used by multiple people
  • Interacting directly with people
know-before-you-fly-your-drone As the weather warms up and gets nicer, and people are beginning to venture outside once again, they are looking for something to do. One thing that is a lot of fun, and doesn’t create or need a crowd of people is flying a drone. Drones give people a bird's eye view of the area and it can be quite exhilarating to see. Whether it is someplace new, or someplace a person has lived all their life, seeing things from the air is very different from seeing things from the ground. The thing is, a person needs to be careful when flying a drone, or else they could end up in trouble with the law. There are several laws that a drone pilot has to follow here in California, and the nation as a whole, to avoid getting into trouble with the law.

Federal Drone Laws

For starters, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires that all drones over 0.55 pounds, or 250 grams, be registered. All registered drones will be given an identification number that must be displayed on the drone at all times. This number will be valid for 3 years and enables the drone to be identified and linked back to the registered owner. A person must be 13-years-old or older to register a drone in their name. A very important law for drones applies to airports. Drones cannot be flown within a 5-mile radius of any airport. This is for safety reasons, to help prevent any aircraft from colliding with a drone. If a person wants to fly a drone within 5 miles from an airport, they need to contact air traffic control or airport management to get permission. When a person does this, they will be asked a couple of questions, such as how long they plan on flying and where they plan on flying.
  • If a person is flying their drone for work, then they need a special license to do so.
  • All drones must be flown within the line of sight of the operator.
laws-that-minors-can-break-but-adults-cannot Everyone knows what crimes are and what would happen if they were to commit one. This is just something that people learn over time. However, there is something about laws and crimes that people know, without ever really considering. What a lot of adults may not consider, is that there are somethings they can do without fear of breaking a law, while a minor would face legal trouble for doing the same.

What Are Status Offenses?

According to the law, there are plenty of things out there that adults can do, but minors cannot. This leads to an interesting section of the law where things are considered illegal, but only for minors. This means these acts can’t be crimes, because adults can do them pretty much any time they want. This is why the term status offense exists. A status offense is any activity that a minor could get in trouble for doing simply because of their age at the time of the act. It is estimated that 20% of all juvenile arrests are due to status offenses. Some of the most common status offenses that a minor can be charged with include: Being uncontrollable by parents or guardians.