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Catfishing isn’t the art of catching the bottom-dwelling fish that taste greatly fried. Catfishing actually refers to the act of using a false social network profile that allows you to pretend to be someone you’re not. This differs from a ghostwriter creating an account for...

There are certain days when the police become extremely concerned about drunk drivers. Thanksgiving is one such holiday. If you’re on the road during Thanksgiving weekend, don’t be surprised if you see more police patrolling the streets than what you would normally expect. Why Police are...

what-happens-when-you-bounce-a-check-in-california We all make mistakes. One of the mistakes that many of us have made at one time or another is not checking our account before writing a check. As a result, the check bounces and you face a series of problems. The good news is that in most cases, the consequences of writing a bad check aren’t horrible. The person/business you wrote the check to contacts you. You’re embarrassed but cover the amount of the check plus whatever fee the business attaches to the returned check. There’s also a chance that your bank will charge you an overdraft fee. Once you’ve covered all of these costs, you can stop worrying about the matter and get on with your life.

In some extreme cases, the legal system gets involved.

Check fraud is covered by California’s Penal Code 476 PC. According to the law, you can be charged with check fraud whenever you do something with a check that leads the person who is receiving the check that they believe is good. You can be charged with check fraud if you:
  • Write a check even when you know there aren’t sufficient funds in your account
  • Create checks for an account that doesn’t exist
  • Alter the routing or account number on a check
  • Writing checks for an account you don’t own
  • Altering the amount written on a check
The Legal Ins and Outs of Internet Trolling The internet, particularly social media sites, provide people with an opportunity to share their opinions on a variety of topics. In many cases, this leads to a lively and thought-provoking debate. At other times, it brings out internet trolls.
cults-and-the-law Every so often a community will start to whisper about the possibility of a cult forming in the neighborhood. Generally, as soon as the rumor of a cult starts, people start worrying about what drastic action the cult will take and how the community can stop them.

What are Cults

Many people mistakenly believe that cults are nothing more than a group of people who don’t adhere to accepted societal rules. That’s not what a cult is. There are specific requirements that must be met before a group is classified as a cult. The literal definition of a cult is, “1) a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious. 2) a group that expresses great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work 3) a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion 4) a system of religious beliefs and ritual.

Why People Fear Cults

People fear cults. The main reason so many people fear cults is because they know some cults encourage dangerous behavior. In the case of The People’s Temple and Heaven’s Gate, cult members were encouraged to participate in group suicides. These are extreme examples. There are reports of other cults that didn’t believe in mass suicide, though they did encourage questionable behavior such as practicing risky medical procedures, demanding that members practice extreme and sometimes dangerous lifestyle changes. Most people fear cults because they’re worried that the group’s leaders practice both strong-arm and brainwashing techniques on the members.

Cults and the Law

Surprisingly, there aren’t many laws that pertain to either the creation or the joining of cults. There is a simple reason for this. Most cults have a religious origin and stepping in to disband one without just cause would be a violation of religious freedom. The only time legal action can be taken against a cult is when the authorities have clear proof that the leaders or members are involved in dangerous or illegal behavior. If the authorities have evidence that the alleged cult is doing something illegal, they can consider the group a criminal organization and explore taking legal action against the group. The list of behaviors that have justified bringing charges against cult leaders include:
attending-school-during-the-pandemic Never before have so many parents been confused about how their child’s education will take place during the upcoming school year. Concern about COVID-19 spreading through the schools has caused a great deal of confusion regarding how education will work during the 2020/2021 school year.

The Governor’s Thoughts About School This Year

One of the things making this school year so difficult is that California’s lawmakers seem to second guess themselves every single day. One day the governor announces that schools won’t open and all schooling will be done virtually. A few weeks later, an elementary school opens its doors and starts welcoming students. The problem this poses for parents is figuring out how they’ll help their child get the education they need this year. Many aren’t even sure if the government has a plan in place to make sure that no child is left behind this school year. The best thing parents can do is pay attention to any formal information their child’s school is passing on. As of right now, the governor has decreed that most of the schools will be going exclusively to virtual learning. There are some exceptions. Some schools have been issued waivers that allow them to open, provided they have measures in place to keep kids healthy this school year. Safety measures the schools who have received waivers are taking include:
  • Taking student’s temperature
  • Requiring everyone to wear masks
  • Creating a plan to make sure students practice safe social distancing

What to Do When You See a Downed Power Line The modern age is something that everyone has gotten used to. Pretty much everyone expects all of their technology to work the minute they need it. People often forget everything that goes into making even the...