bail bonds in anaheim california Tag

Your driver's license may seem like a small, inexpensive laminated card that proves to the world that you're legally allowed to operate a vehicle in California. What you might not realize is that there are ways you can use your driver's license that violate California's...

You’ve seen a crime happen. Now you’re in a bind. Are you legally required to report the crime? Who should you report the crime to? How do you even go about reporting a crime? How long do you have to report the crime? It’s amazing...

Most of us love social media sites. They provide us with an easy way to stay in touch with loved ones, the ability to let people know what we’re up to and to simply check in with someone. What many of us don’t think about is...

Yard sales and garage sales are kind of awesome. Not only do they provide you with an opportunity to clear out some of the stuff that has been cluttering up your house, but you can even make money doing so! Another perk is that they...

Shortly after the internet was created, the internet scam was born. It's amazing the number of different ways the internet has been used to scam different people. It seems like every single year, a new scam hits the virtual world and people start falling for...

In this day and age, you can’t afford to not be aware of your surroundings. It doesn’t matter if you’re strolling around the block near your home or walking across a busy parking lot after getting groceries, you must be aware of your surroundings. The world...

Identity theft is a serious problem that shows no signs of going away. The FTC reported that identity theft increased by a staggering 45% in 2020. Javelin Strategy announced that in 2021, identity theft was responsible for the loss of approximately 56 billion dollars in...