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If you know someone who recently got into trouble for shoplifting, you are probably very concerned about him or her. You wonder how much trouble a person can get into for shoplifting. How serious of an offense is it to steal something from a store...

The New Year is rolling in with new laws for California. Sure, a person can now recreationally use marijuana legally in California, but what about the other laws? Every year new laws come into play January 1st. Typically these are laws that have been passed...

As we welcome in the New Year, we may feel that it is time for some changes. New year resolutions are typically the go to for some folks wanting to make a difference. Whether or not you’re committed to New Year’s Resolutions, or you just...

When your best friend gets arrested in the middle of the night without warning, you are going to be one of the first people who he or she calls for help. If you do not want him or her to sit in jail any longer,...

Compared to other states, California is pretty generous when it comes to alcohol. You can buy it at practically any grocery, liquor and convenience store. You can even buy it at retailers like Target and Walmart. You can buy it at nearly any hour of...

Who knew? In California, women may not drive in a housecoat or that no vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour? We are not pulling your leg. These are real laws that are still written in California’s law books. They are not the...