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There are special moments in everyone’s life that they would like to remember for forever. They would take any sort of memento of the event that they could. This way, they will never forget the amazing moment and the feelings they experienced. This includes moments...

All any parent ever wants is for their child to be happy and safe. They brought this person into the world, and they want to see them succeed. The last thing they want, is for something bad to happen to their precious little one. Many...

Any parent will tell you that taking care of a child is not an easy undertaking. They need constant supervision, or else they can get into some serious trouble. A recent study found that 1 in every 5 scald burns are caused by ramen and...

There is no denying that credit cards are very powerful tools. They allow people to pay for things online, or in person, without actually handing over cash. This helps make wallets lighter and slimmer. Unfortunately, they can be very easy to steal. Some criminals don’t...

The holiday season is here. This means that people all over will be flock to stores, both brick and mortar, and virtual alike as they search for the perfect gifts for their loved ones. While this is a very merry time of the year, there...

A lot of people dream of being famous one day, especially here in California. It is kind of hard not to think about fame and fortune when you live so close to Hollywood. The thing is, fame isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. For...

When it comes to the state of California, there are so many different choices when it comes to finding a place to settle down. A person can settle down in a city by the open desert, or in a small, forested mountain town. California has...

When you have to pay for a big expense, you are always going to look for the best deal available. This may take some extra time, but it will help you save money in the long run. While doing this works for most instances, it...

For many people, once 9 PM rolls around, they are getting ready to call it a day. However, while these people prepare for bed, there are others who are gearing up to cause some mischief. Once things get dark outside, thieves come out from hiding....

Times have definitely changed since many of us were kids. Back when most of us adults were in school, the only thing teachers had to worry about were calculators. Nowadays, students walk around with cellphones that can do infinitely more than a calculator ever could....

A few years ago, the citizens of California voted to ban single-use plastic straws. At the time, the change was very controversial with many opponents of the bill upset at the loss of the flimsy plastic items. However, as time moved on, people adapted and...

The internet gives people access to a lot of useful and helpful information. However, if a person is not careful, they can inadvertently give someone out there access to their own personal information. There are dozens of scams out there that people use in an...