How to Find a Loved One in Jail

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You may not be familiar with the term “porch pirates” but it’s a pretty good bet that either you or someone you are close to has been a victim of one. A porch pirate is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a term that refers...
Going out on the town and painting it red on New Year’s Eve always seems like a great way to ring in the New Year. Celebrating at bars, restaurants, clubs, and community events is a lot of fun and a great way to create some...
There are two types of tailgating in California. The fun kind involves loading up your pickup, gathering a bunch of friends, and feasting in the parking lot while you prepare for a big football game. That kind of tailgating is fun and legal. It’s also not...
It doesn’t matter if it’s a phone call asking that you schedule an appointment or if officers knock on your door. Learning that the police want to talk to you is enough to strike terror into your heart, even if you haven’t done anything wrong. When...
If you think your child needs more help than you are able or knowledgeable to provide, do not hesitate to call for third-party help, be it from another family member, a friend, or a professional. You want the best for your child, and you want...
The holiday season is here. For many of us, that means breaking up the average, boring scenery with decorations that depict your favorite part of the holiday. Most of us love seeing how creative our neighbors are and will even sometimes engage in holiday decoration...
Most of us have heard so much about the dangers of drinking and driving that we would never dream of sliding behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. Yet, we seldom think twice about going for a drive while we’re tired. The truth is that while there...