Bail Bond Blog

When you fell in love with your partner and decided to have kids, you probably didn’t know what you were getting yourself into. You probably had baby fever, and saw some cute little socks that spoke to you. Then before you know it, you have...

With the Sun blessing California with its warm rays, it was only a matter of time before we started seeing colors grace the mountainsides. All the rain that we experience and all the muddy shoes we had to deal with have paid off. The first...

We all fall victim to procrastination at some point in our lives when faced with difficult tasks, such as bailing someone out of jail. Whether it was in 5th grade turning in a science project, or if it was last week submitting a project for...

Parenting is not an easy task. Kids need a lot of attention and dedication. Every mom knows this. If a mom is gone for even a little while, the child will notice. This can be very problematic if the mother was arrested and sentenced to...

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and you’re probably stressed about finding the perfect gift. Trying to find a way to showcase the appreciation you have for your mom, wife, or grandma can be hard. They give us all so much of their time...

Moms do a lot for us. It’s hard to go a day without talking to or about your mom. Your mom affects just about every aspect of your life, and you may not even realize it. Moms are the real-life Wonder Women for us, especially if...

Bonnie and Clyde are the infamous couple of criminals. You don’t even need to know what they did wrong to know their names. Their names will forever be in our history books. It’s nearly impossible to say one name without thinking of the other. In...

Cinco de Mayo is coming up fast this year. For us Americans, that means we get to have a big party to celebrate. Friends and family can all gather around and the best tacos are brought out. Your mom probably spent all day in the...

Being safe and having fun don’t often go together, or at least that’s what a lot of people think. This is especially true when considering drinking and fun at parties. With Cinco de Mayo around the corner you are probably planning a big festivity that...

Traveling and exploring the world is great. You are able to experience new areas of the world. Life often takes us on adventures where we may need to travel and deal with distance. Distance can be a blessing and a curse. Even in long distance...