What Happens if You Fail to Appear in Court

You’ve been charged with some sort of crime and now you’re out on bail with a court date rapidly approaching. It’s natural to wonder what will happen if you simply don’t show up.

The problem with failing to appear in court is that not showing up doesn’t make all of your legal problems go away. The charges won’t be dropped. All you’ve accomplished is delaying the final outcome.

As a bail bonds agency with several decades worth of experience, we strongly discourage this action. If too many people fail to appear in court, the bail system as we know it will fall apart. The whole idea of bail is to provide people with an opportunity to work and care for their families while they wait out the legal system.

If you’re out on a bail and fail to appear in court, we have no choice but to make sure you do appear. We will send a person to find you and bring you back to jail. If we’re unable to find you, you’ll sacrifice anything you used as collateral when you secured your bail bond.

Failing to appear in the court means more than simply subjecting yourself to having a Bail Bonds in Orange County recovery agent showing up at your home or place of work. It also means that most bail bonds agencies will be hesitant about posting your bail ever again. In addition to whatever charges you were already dealing with, you’ll also be charged with failure to appear, which can result in:

  • The court charging a $1,000 fine
  • Spending up to 6-months in jail
  • Suspension of your driver’s license

A failure to appear in court charge is easy to avoid. All you have to do is show up.

If you or a loved one has been arrested and needs help with bail, contacting Bail Bonds in Orange County is your best course of action. We’re a family-owned bail bonds business. We have an outstanding reputation for providing both compassionate customer service and low-interest bail in California.

We offer:

  • 20% discounts for some applicants, including military personnel
  • Flexible payment plans
  • Simple contracts
  • Zero worry about hidden fees
  • Zero-down bail bond
  • Zero-interest bail bond
  • Obligation-free phone consultation
  • Online service
  • 24/7 availability
  • Fast service

The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can start working to secure your release from jail.

Do you want a free consultation with a professional bail agent? If so, call 949.629.9036 or click Chat With Us now.